DIY Model Rocket Launcher

DIY Model Rocket Launcher

A DIY 3D Printed Rocket Launcher

After successfully launching a multitude of my 3D printed Bounty Towel rockets, my kids and I decided we needed a more badass rocket launcher than the bland and generic store bought mass manufactured versions. My biggest complaint with the generic store bought models is when you press the switch you get very little feedback on what is happening. This is especially concerning when the rocket doesn’t immediately launch. There is also ample opportunity for improvement in the aesthetics department on these devices.

If we wanted an awesome rocket launcher we were going to have to print, build, wire, and assemble it ourselves!

Model Rocket Launcher Plans

Bill of Materials (BOM)

DIY 3D printed rocket launcher cover

DIY 3D Printed Rocket Launcher Cover
DIY 3D Printed Rocket Launcher Cover with electronics mounted
Wiring up the DIY model rocket launcher


A DIY Model Rocket Launcher
Model rocket launcher in use

DIY Model Rocket Launcher Download Link

10 thoughts on “DIY Model Rocket Launcher”

  1. These are utterly amazing! Are you planning to sell them, or release the .stl files and detailed part list? I know a lot of my friends would love them.

  2. I would like to build one of these to use when my son and grandson are visiting. My son and I launched rockets when he was young, and I’m continuing the tradition.

    Might you be willing to share the STL for the case? I can print it on my own Prusa 3D printer.


  3. Thanks for uploading the 3mf file. I paid for it and downloaded it. It comes in as one object, and I don’t think it will print that way. Can you give me any advice?

    1. The .stl object files you need are embedded inside the .3mf files. At least with PrusaSlicer, when you open the .3mf file, it gives you the option to import just the .stl files. Then you can slice and save the g-code for printing.

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